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About me

Gregory Ball - About meBorn in Beckenham, South London, on 8th April 1953. Lived in various parts of South London until end of secondary school. Studied graphic design and photography for a Diploma in Art & Design (now a BA) at Wolverhampton Polytechnic, then art teaching (Art Teacher's Certificate) at Middlesex Polytechnic. After a variety of unrelated jobs, romance led the way to Ghent in Belgium in 1978. Still here.

I didn't speak Dutch at first, but after a number of jobs (including teaching English) that didn't really amount to a career, I joined the Speeltheater children's theatre company with responsibility for stage and lighting. Stayed there for ten years and started translating as the company became increasingly international. That included technical specifications for the productions, promotional pieces, press releases and press reviews.

Since 1993 I have been working full-time as a freelance translator from Dutch to English, focusing on the broad field of culture and the arts. Particular specialisations are art, architecture and theatre, but with frequent excursions to other, sometimes more remote cultural shores.